Montgomery Circuit Court [ MS ]
Street Address
614 Summit Street, Winona, MS 38967
Montgomery Circuit Court is the Montgomery County Circuit Court which is part of the Fifth District Circuit system of Mississippi.
About the area
An Old Fashioned Fourth of July is just the thing for downtown Winona. This event which has food, live musical entertainment, and a fireworks display also benefits from the booths set up by local civic and non-profit groups to sell food and beverages to event guests to help them raise funds for various projects. Another event eagerly awaited by Winona residents is the The Winona Crossroads Festival at which attendees will find vendors selling items such as purses and handbags, ceramics, wood work, tee shirts and baked goods. No need to buy anything; there is entertainment throughout the day and into the evening.
Mailing Address
PO Box 765, Winona, MS 38967