Polkville Municipal Court [ MS ]
Street Address
6606 Highway 13, Polkville, MS 39117
Most of Polkville is located right on SR 13.
About the area
Polkville annually celebrates its founding with Polkivlle Day in September. Their several competitions at this fair; the 2 Mile Road race, the quarter Mile Kids run ( where everyone is a winner) and the Steak Cook-Off. There is also live entertainment, vendors and plenty of good food. Polkville is proud of its new Civic Center which was originally built in the 1930's and used as a school until the early 1970's. It was recently renovated to serve as a place for community meetings, senior citizen services, musical events, plays, various other events and for private parties.
Hon. Jerry Baldwin
Mailing Address
6606 Hway 13, Morton, MS 39117