Raleigh Municipal Court [ MS ]
Street Address
Courthouse Square, Raleigh, MS 39153
Raleigh residents can count on SR 18, SR 35 and SR 540 for their motor travel. They can also hope their mayor will avoid drinking and driving in the future.
About the area
If you want to know where they revere gourds, come to the Annual Mississippi Gourd Festival sponsored by the Mississippi Gourd Society each September in Raleigh. There are lots of natural gourds and crafted gourds for sale. If you are hungry at this fair; the Smith County Mississippi Homemaker Volunteer Ladies are dishing up plenty of good food. A competition is held to determine the best carved gourd with the winner receiving the Jim Story award . You don't have to worry about the heat while looking at the exhibits; it all takes place in an air conditioned building.
Hon. Jerry Baldwin
Mailing Address
Box 355, Martin Drive (we think), Raleigh, MS 39153