Indianola Municipal Court [ MS ]
Street Address
101 Front Street, Indianola, MS 38751
The people in this city have some very good roads avaiable fo their use; US 82 runs through this town to meet SR 448 from the North and US 49W running along the Eastern edge of town.
About the area
If you love the blues you will want to visit the B.B. King Museum and Delta Interpretive Center in this city. B.B. King was born in nearby Itta Bena. The museum was carved out of a cotton gin where King worked as a young man. Although the museum has many artifacts from King's life including a frayed quilt from the home where he lived as a young man, a recreation of his home studio and various versions of his guitar, Lucille it also houses displays about the history and culture of the Mississippi Delta and memorabilia of other artists. You might also visit the famous Club Ebony owned by B.B. King. Count Basie, Ray Charles, James Brown, Ike Turner are among the musicians who entertained patrons in this night spot.
The Most Honorable Howard Q. Davis
Mailing Address
PO Box 269, Indianola, MS 38751