Townsend Court [ MT ]
Street Address
515 Broadway Street*, Townsend, MT 59644
WWW Link
*In this building you will find the Broadwater County court, which is formally known as the Broadwater District Court, phone number listed, the Townsend City Court and the Townsend Justice Court, phone number for both 406-266-9231. They are all in the First judicial district of Montana. The justice court hears traffic infractions and ordinance violations occurring outside the city of Townsend and the city court, occurring inside the city limits. US 12, US 287 and SR 284 and for a short piece IS 90 run throughout Broadwater county. US 12 and US 287 run through the city of Townsend.
About the area
Broadwater county was officially designated by the Montana Legislature around 1897. It is marked by the Big Belt Mountains to the East and North, the Elkhorn Mountains to the West, and the Horseshoe Hills to the South. Canyon Ferry lake, just to the North of Townsend, covers close to 25 miles and has Bureau of Reclamation maintained recreation sites around the reservoir with boat access available at all of the campsites and other selected sites. The lake is open for boating, ice boat sailing, fishing, camping, sightseeing, picnicking, hiking, hunting, waterskiing, nature study and swimming. In early June, the annual Townsend Cowboy Entertainer Gathering is held at Broadwater high school and in August you might want to visit Holloway park for the annual production of Shakespeare in the Park. The Broadwater County museum, in Townsend, has a large number of artifacts related to the county on display. A new addition has on exhibit a half-scale model of a dugout canoe of the type Lewis & Clark built on their voyage along the upper Missouri, an authentic sheep herders wagon, a horse drawn carriage and a buffalo skin.
Mailing Address
515 Broadway St., Townsend, MT 59644