Joliet City Court [ MT ]
Street Address
116 South Main Street, Joliet, MT 59041
Joliet Court lies within the Twenty-Second judicial district of Montana. US 212 becomes Front street in Joliet.
About the area
Although the population in this town has grown at a slower rate than the state and national averages, the average rate of growth of median household income for the town is higher than the average for both of those. The Joliet Community center is a town gathering place which in addition to providing several services is also the venue for concerts by visiting groups such as the Billings Symphony Orchestra and Chorale's Principal String Quartet and plays by the local Calamity Jane Players. Events such as the annual Arts and Craft and the Joliet Public Library Book fairs in November are also held in this venue.
Mailing Address
Box 210, Joliet, MT 59041