Carter County Court [ MT ]
Street Address
214 Park St., Ekalaka, MT 59324
The Carter County District Court is the facility that is here being called the Carter County Court and is in the Sixteenth judicial district of Montana.
About the area
A portion of land in land in Fallon County was taken to create Carter county around 1917. If you are not a rodeo fan you will probably not know that Ekalaka is called the “Bucking Horse Capital of the World” More world champion class bucking horses have come from the area around this city than from any other town or area. In fact the bucking horses that have been raised in the Powder River Breaks, near Ekalaka have won the NFR Best Saddle Bronc award a record of six times. In June the All Youth Rodeo is held at the Ekalaka Track and Arena. In August the the annual Carter County fair is held with live music, art festival, quilt show, fireman's barbecue, an old fashioned rodeo and class reunions.
Mailing Address
Box 322, Ekalaka, MT 59324