Lincoln County Court [ MT ]
Street Address
512 California Avenue, Libby, MT 59923
WWW Link
Lincoln County Court can also be referred to as the Lincoln County District Court and is in the Nineteenth judicial district of Montana.
About the area
Lincoln county was founded around 1909. We can only assume that the area's natural beauty and a chance to set down roots drew people to the county. This area was sometimes occupied by the Kootenai tribe of Native Americans. To celebrate the Nordic influence on the area, an annual Nordic Fest is held in Libby each September. In addition to the events like the Libby Fine Arts show and the juried Craft show the International Fjord Horse show is held in conjunction with this festival. After going to all the events including the Children's Troll Costume contest and Long Ship Viking encampment you might just want to enjoy the Swedish Meatball dinner or Sunday morning's Swedish Pancake breakfast.
Mailing Address
512 California Ave., Libby, MT 59923