Rosebud County Court [ MT ]
Street Address
1200 Main Street, Forsyth, MT 59327
WWW Link
Rosebud County Court can also be called Rosebud County District Court and is in the Sixteenth judicial district of Montana.
About the area
In the Summer of 1806 William Clark and his company of explorers passed through this area. Many trappers and traders followed Clark's route one company of which around 1835 constructed Ft. Van Buren at the juncture of the Rosebud and Yellowstone, which was abandoned a few short years later. Buffalo hunters decimated the buffalo population during the 1860's and 1870's causing several years of bloody confrontation with the Eastern Montana Indians, culminating in the Battle of the Rosebud on June 17, 1876, and the Battle of the Little Bighorn eight days later. Rosebud County is the home of the Northern Cheyenne reservation. Each year the county holds a county fair, in conjunction with Treasure county, which has a carnival, live music and entertainment and lots of good food. The main sources of income enjoyed by the residents of this county are from agriculture, tourism, railroad, coal mining, and electricity generation.
Mailing Address
Box 48, Forsyth, MT 59327