Moore County Court [ NC ]
Inquiries at: 910:947:2396 or 3009
Street Address
102 Monroe St, Carthage, NC 28327
WWW Link
About the area
When you are looking for a good place to relocate or have a good time with your family, you should include in your options list Moore County in North Carolina State. This land welcomed its first European Pioneers approximately twenty years prior its foundation back in the 1780s, and it became part of the "Great Wagon Road" chapter due its location and fertile land. With almost 705 square miles of extension, this territory irrigated by the Deep River and home of lovely longleaf pines has an estimated 74800 inhabitants. Some of the towns and cities in this land are Robbins, Seven Lakes, Pinebluff, and Foxfire.
Hours of Operation
8 - 5 from Monday thru Friday.
James Webb likes anything related with internet… we wonder why!
Maureen Krueger
Mailing Address
PO Box 936, Carthage, NC 28327