Washington District Court [ NC ]
Clerk Line 252_793_3013 or 946_2660
Street Address
120 Adams St, Plymouth, NC, Plymouth, NC 27902
793-1081 or 946-3806
WWW Link
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About the area
Plymouth is the county seat of Washington County, home of more than 13700 people and neighbor of Chowan, Bertie, Perquimans, Tyrrell, Hyde, Martin, and Beaufort Counties. The racial makeup in this community reveals more than 48% of White Non Hispanic residents and almost the same percentage of African American people, while on the other hand as is typical in other territories of North Carolina State; Native American, Hispanic, Asian, and Pacific Islander colonies continue being minorities. Only three incorporated communities constitute the map of Washington County which are Plymouth, Roper, and Creswell.
The law and the order of Washington County rest in the hands of Samuel Grimes (Chief DC Judge), Michael Paul, Regina Parker, and Christopher McLendon.
Mailing Address
120 Adams Street, Plymouth, NC 27902