Manning District Court [ ND ]
Street Address
205 Owens Street, Manning, ND, Manning, ND 58642
WWW Link
Manning District Court is formally known as the Dunn county District Court in the Southwest judicial district of North Dakota.
About the area
Dunn County was first formed around 1908 and today relies on oil and agriculture for its economy. The Dunn County museum in Killdeer has recreated individual display rooms such as an old-time school, church, post office, bank, barber shop, kitchen, living room and bedroom. In addition the exhibits in this museum include Western items, farm machinery, antique vehicles, tools, Native American artifacts, religious and military items, children's toys, clothing, photographs, cameras, books and furniture going back 150 years. On display also are scale replicas of Dunn County historical sites. Legend has it that a band of warring Sioux escaped General Alfred Sully's punitive expedition in 1864 down a hole on a mountain top in the Killdeer mountains. This spot is now known as Medicine Hole and not many venture down it to explore the caves below.
Mailing Address
205 Owens St., Manning, ND 58642