Ashley District Court [ ND ]
Street Address
112 1st Street NE, Ashley, ND 58413
Ashley District Court is the district court of McIntosh county and is in the South Central judicial district.
About the area
McIntosh County was opened for settlement around 1884 but late in 1934, the federal government issued an order ending fifty years of homesteading in the county. However during that time German-Russians left homes, families, and colonies in South Russia and emigrated halfway around the world to McIntosh County making McIntosh county the county with the greatest concentration of German-Russians of any county in North Dakota which is true to the present day. There are 10 lakes in Mcintosh county which range in size from under 20 acres to over 3700 acres. One of these, Coldwater lake, a little over 400 acres in size, is known for a variety of fish including Northern Pike, Walleye and Yellow Perch.
Mailing Address
Box 179, Ashley, ND 58413