Dunseith Municipal Court [ ND ]
Street Address
101 Peace Garden Ave., Dunseith, ND 58329
US 281 comes through Dunseith and then turns East in the Southern part of town where it meets with SR 5.
About the area
There is a unique sight in Dunseith; the Wheel Turtle structure stands next to the Craft Barn whose owner constructed it. It is made up of over 2,000 steel wheel rims welded together to form the shape of a huge turtle. The North American Game Warden museum located in the International Peace gardens honors its fallen officers and educates the public about natural resource protection. On display here are vintage uniform, decoys, badges, patches and crests and tools used in Wildlife enforcement. There are also exhibits of a collection of confiscated animals, skins and illegal items with the history of how they were obtained and confiscated. There are also stuffed animals with storyboards about each animal.
Mailing Address
Box 580, Dunseith, ND 58329