Burlington County Superior Court [ NJ ]
Street Address
49 Rancocas Rd, Mt Holly, NJ 08060
WWW Link
The 609-518-2565 number is the telephone number of the criminal division. The Courts Facility and County Office Building is located at 49 Rancocas Rd, Mt. Holly. The criminal Division is on the third floor.
About the area
Burlington County is the largest county in the State of NJ and has a population of nearly 424,000 people. There are sections like Woodland Township that border forest area, and others like Delanco, Burlington City, etc are water-front communities along the Delaware River. The county has some very fine places to dine and shop and many historic homes and places in the National Register of Historic homes too. Burlington County College is located in Pemberton.
Hours of Operation
Weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Hon. John Sweeney is the assignment judge and Hon. Bonnie Goldman is the presiding judge of the Courts Facility. The Criminal Division has a total of 4 judges.
Robert Bernardi is the County Prosecutor and can be reached at 609-265-5035 or His office is on the second floor of the County Courthouse. (
Type Of Cases
The more serious criminal cases are heard here, and the court has other matters as well
Mailing Address
Burlington County Superior Court
49 Rancocas Rd, PO Box 6555, Mt Holly, NJ 08060