Woodland Municipal Court [ NJ ]
Street Address
3943 Route 563, Chatsworth, NJ 08019
Laura Mick is the court clerk and Anthony Drollas is the township solicitor.
About the area
A thinly populated and rural area, Woodland Township has only 1170 people in more than 95 square miles. There are few very roads in the township and most of them are in the section called Chatsworth. The Municipal court is located in Chatsworth too. Chatsworth Lake is bang opposite the Courthouse area. One might spot the Oswego Lake while driving to Woodland too. Woodland, as the name suggests, is quite close to woods. In fact, Wharton State Forest is just south of this township. There is no high school in Woodland Township and students attend the high schools in Tabernacle Township. County Routes 532 and 563 intersect in Chatsworth. Rt 563 is also referred to as the Main Street as it is the main thoroughfare through the township. It is also called Chatsworth Road.
Richard Andronici
Mailing Address
Woodland Municipal Court
PO Box 409, Chatsworth, NJ 08019