Bridgeton Municipal Court [ NJ ]
Street Address
168 E Commerce St, Bridgeton, NJ 08302
WWW Link
The court administrator Janine Opperman can be reached at extension 251.
About the area
A crowded city of nearly 23,000 people, Bridgeton is the largest historical town in the state of NJ. The downtown area of Bridgeton was built in early 1900s and the historic buildings and homes date back to late 1700s. The Bridgeton Municipal Court is a beautiful Victorian house located on Commerce street, which is the commercial thoroughfare through the city. The popular City Zoo on Mayor Aitken Drive is a fun place for kids - when you can get them away from their video games. Other important roads include Laurel Street in the downtown area, which runs through a good length of the downtown area.
Chris D'Arrigo
Type Of Cases
Too many drunk driving and dui cases, with other crimes and traffic infractions too.
Mailing Address
Bridgeton Municipal Court
168 E Commerce St, Bridgeton, NJ 08302