Greenwich Municipal Court [ NJ ]
Street Address
590 Shiloh Pike, Bridgeton, NJ 08302
It's odd that Greenwich Municipal Court for the township of Greenwich is located in BridgetonTownship, very close to the township of Hopewell.
About the area
Greenwich is a sparsely populated town with 900 people in 18 square miles. Being close to the Delaware Bay it is a port area for ships and has shipping, fishing and other allied industries in the region. The region had almost slipped into oblivion because of the more busy 'Bridgeton' township in the region, but got back into the limelight in recent years, thanks to the urban population seeking some time away from the concrete jungles in the cities. Greenwich has some very beautiful green patches of land. The bucolic character of the township coupled with it's proximity to the bay attracts many nature-lovers.
Hon. John Casarow
Type Of Cases
This court located on County Rt 607 and gets a few traffic tickets.
Mailing Address
Greenwich Municipal Court
590 Shiloh Pike, Bridgeton, NJ 08302