East Newark Municipal Court [ NJ ]
Street Address
34 Sherman Ave, East Newark, NJ 07029
WWW Link
An alternate number for the court is (973).481.2902 ext 229.
About the area
This tiny borough of 2400 people is a pleasant community with some beautiful neighborhoods. The borough provides for people in need of temporary financial or physical assistance. There are volunteer clubs that help old people in shoveling their driveways, changing light bulbs and other such chores around the house. President Street houses the Senior Citizen Center that urges it's Seniors to live life king-size. This enthusiastic club helps seniors form new friendships while participating in stimulating and creative activities. 'Top Diner', an upscale dining restaurant in East Newark, gives the residents a taste of exquisite cooking and a posh eating house in their very hometown. Everything on the menu is very expensive, but that doesn't keep people from going to this pleasant restaurant which has served East Newark for decades.
Type Of Cases
Most traffic cases that come to this Court are from I-280 or Route 21.
Mailing Address
East Newark Municipal Court
34 Sherman Ave, East Newark, NJ 07029