Guttenberg Municipal Court [ NJ ]
Street Address
6808 Park Ave, Guttenberg, NJ 07093
WWW Link
The town attorney Charles Daglian can be contacted at 201-653-4543. The Municipal Court Administrator can be reached at 201-868-3360 ext 102.
About the area
A town of 11,000 people, Guttenberg is a densely populated area in a base area of 0.2 square miles. It is well-served by the NJ Transit bus shuttle between Guttenberg and midtown NY and other points in Hudson County. The town hall of Guttenberg houses the Municipal Court and several other town departments. The town has a diverse population with Hispanics forming the largest group (nearly 50%). Prudential Insurance Company built the Galaxy apartment complex in 1970. There are 3 towers which are high-rise buildings with an octagonal top-view facing the Hudson River.
Type Of Cases
The area in and around Guttenberg is flooded with major routes such as US Routes 1 and 9, I-95 and Routes 3 and 495. The court deals with traffic offences, most of which come from these major routes and neighborhood complaints.
Mailing Address
Guttenberg Municipal Court
6808 Park Ave, Guttenberg, NJ 07093