Bloomsbury Municipal Court [ NJ ]
Street Address
405 Mine Rd, Asbury, NJ 08802
Bloomsbury Borough Hall is located at 91 Brunswick Ave, Bloomsbury, NJ 08804. This court address seems strangely like the one for another court in the county, so we may have to check on that.
About the area
The borough of Bloomsbury has a population of under 900, making it the third smallest municipality in Hunterdon County. The courthouse is located in between Asbury and the township of Bethlehem, which incidentally borders the borough of Bloomsbury. Bloomsbury Borough Hall is located in Bloomsbury. The borough has an arts and crafts festival every year, sometime in September. Admission and parking are free. The borough residents put up pottery, hand-made jewelry, wooden toys etc on display. Rt I-78, US Rt 22 and Routes 173, 639, 637 and 579 run through the borough.
Type Of Cases
Speeding tickets and driving when drunk cases form more than 85 % of the cases.
Mailing Address
Bloomsbury Municipal Court
405 Mine Rd, Asbury, NJ 08802