Frenchtown Municipal Court [ NJ ]
Street Address
29 2nd St, Frenchtown, NJ 08825
The address specified on this page is that of the borough hall. Barbara Lingsch is the Court Administrator. Douglas Cole is the borough attorney.
About the area
The borough of Frenchtown is rather sparsely populated, with only 1500 people in 1.3 square miles. The borough lies close to the NJ-Penn border. The bridge connecting the borough to Pennsylvania over River Delaware was built in 1844. Frenchtown is a quiet town with many historic Victorian houses along it\'s pretty streets. Routes 12, 29, 519 and 513 traverse the borough.
Honorable Joseph Novak
Type Of Cases
Speeding tickets and drunk driving tickets.
Mailing Address
Second Street, Frenchtown, NJ 08825