Glen Gardner Municipal Court [ NJ ]
Street Address
83 Main St, Glen Gardner, NJ 08826
WWW Link
Peter Jost is the borough attorney. Robin Horne is the Court Administrator. The address on this page is that of the borough hall.
About the area
The borough got its name from the Gardner Brothers who were one of the first settlers in the region. The Gardner brothers established several factories in the region. Today, Glen Gardner has a population of nearly 1900 people in about 1.6 square miles. Voorhees State Park is about a mile away from the heart of the borough. The famous Spruce Run State Park is about 1.5 miles away. Routes 31, 628 and 635 run through the borough. The Borough Hall got a major face-lift in 2006.
Hon. Judge Robert Schaul
Type Of Cases
Processes complaints filed against individuals who have been charged with traffic violations and other offenses.
Mailing Address
83 Main Street, Glen Gardner, NJ 08826