Hunterdon County Superior Court [ NJ ]
908.237.5840 (criminal)
Street Address
65 Park Ave., Flemington, NJ 08822
Criminal Fax: 237-5841
WWW Link
Claire Michels is Judge Mahons secretary. Jacqueline Farrell is the Law Clerk, she can be reached at 908.237.5943.
Justice Complex has 5 courtrooms. The historic county courthouse has an extra courtroom that is used on occasion.
About the area
Hunterdon County has 26 municipalities, most of which are either boroughs or townships. Lambertville is the only city in Hunterdon County. Most municipalities in Hunterdon County are very rural and are very safe places. In general, the crime rate in Hunterdon County is very low. That makes Hunterdon County a great place to live in. Lambertville offers its residents a great taste of city life coupled with a small home-town charm, while Readington Borough is ranked as one of the highest-income places in the United States and yet has a very laid-back and homey atmosphere. The county also has many historic sites, county parks and golf clubs. Overall a great county, with something to offer for everyone. Hon. Robert Pollock, Jr. presides over Vicinage XIII which includes Hunterdon, Somerset and Warren Counties.
J.S.C. Roger Mahon presides over the Criminal Division of Hunterdon Superior Court, and there are a total of four judges. They even have one on-call.
Hon. Patrick Barnes is the County Prosecutor. He can be reached at 908.788.1129 or (
Type Of Cases
Relatively few criminal cases as compared to some other counties in NJ.
Mailing Address
Hunterdon County Superior Court
65 Park Avenue, Flemington, NJ 08822