East Windsor Municipal Court [ NJ ]
Street Address
80 One Mile Rd, Hightstown, NJ 08520
WWW Link
David Orron is the township attorney. Donna Suk is the Court Administrator. If you decide to call the courthouse, please call during their telephone hours, which are on Mondays Noon-3pm and Tuesday-Friday 10am-4pm.
About the area
East Windsor township is home to nearly 25,000 residents. The township is densely populated within an area of about 15 miles squared. The township has a diverse population and is particularly known for it\'s good school district. Lanning Blvd houses the township Recreation Center and also the Health Department, and is only a few thousand feet from the Municipal Court. The renowned Highstown Princeton Road Animal Hospital in Cranbury is less than a mile away from the heart of the townshp. Route 133 and US Rt 130 traverse the township. The turnpike is here too.
Hours of Operation
Violation Bureau Hours : M-F 8:30-5:15. Session Hours : Mondays at 9am, 2:30pm and 6pm.
J.M.C. Jim Stahl
Sabra Snook-Jacobs
Type Of Cases
Violations of motor vehicle and traffic laws, plus some criminal offenses too. Then you got those I-95 speeding tickets too.
Mailing Address
East Windsor Municipal Court
80 One-Mile Road Extension, East Windsor, NJ 08520