Helmetta Municipal Court [ NJ ]
Street Address
60 Main St, Helmetta, NJ 08828
WWW Link
They may need some help with web security.
About the area
Helmetta Borough has a population of about 2000 people. Rt 615 (Main Street) is the main thoroughfare through the borough. Other major routes that traverse the borough include Rt 535 and I-95 (NJ Turnpike). The scenic Helmetta Pond and Jamesburg County Park are at walking distance from the Courthouse area. Pigeon Swamp State Park is a 5 minute drive from the Courthouse. The once-functional Helme Products Inc. plant is now merely a landmark. Helmetta Borough does not have a school of it\'s own.
Hours of Operation
Boro hall hours are 9 to 2. Court office hours might be the same.
Type Of Cases
Driving when intoxicated cases have recently outweighed the number of speeding cases.
Mailing Address
Helmetta Municipal Court
Sixty Main Street, Helmetta, NJ 08828