Shrewsbury Borough Municipal Court [ NJ ]
732-842-2868; 741-4200 x100
Street Address
419 Sycamore Ave, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
WWW Link
The Court Administrator Lysbeth Newman can be reached at 732-741-4200 ext. 100. James McCue is the Public Defender.
About the area
This boro of 3500 people with a 2 mile radius is at a distance of a couple of miles from the NJ Shoreline. Shrewsbury borough is primarily a residential town. The borough school is exceptionally good. The school has playgrounds and facilites for baseball, basketball, field hockey etc. The three parks in the town - Mansion, Sickles and Patterson - are open to the public and have basketball and baseball courts too. All and all, a charming place with a quiet residential community.
Hours of Operation
M-F 9am-5pm
Hon Judge. Martin Goodall
James Ronan, Esq.
Type Of Cases
Route 35 and the GSP run through this town so they get a lot of speeding tickets and other traffic matters, plus DUI and some crimes.
Mailing Address
Shrewsbury Borough Municipal Court
419 Sycamore Ave, PO Box 7420, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702