Hampton Municipal Court [ NJ ]
Street Address
901 Swartswood Rd, Newton, NJ 07860
This is a joint Municipal Court for Hampton borough and Stillwater. Stephen Roseman is the township attorney (973-383-1200). Sharon Sutton is the Court Administrator.
About the area
Hampton township is home to nearly 5200 residents. Lake Kemah, Lake Clearview are attractions in the borough. Sussex County Mall in Newton is less than a mile away from the heart of the borough. Newton also houses the Hampton Municipal Court. Animal Hospital of Sussex County is nearby too. Routes 519, 521, 626, 627 and 633 pass through the township. US Rt 206 is nearby too.
J.M.C. John Mulhern
Type Of Cases
Some speeding tickets.
Mailing Address
Hampton Municipal Court
901 Swartswood Road, Newton, NJ 07860