Westfield Municipal Court [ NJ ]
Street Address
425 E Broad St, Westfield, NJ 07090
WWW Link
Linda Chieffo manages the court with two deputies. Back in 1994 Westfield Municipal Court was the site of a notable anti-abortion protest where one person was convicted of assault.
About the area
Westfield Town has a population of about 31,000 people. Mindowaskin Park and Childrens Museum of Central are located right in front of the Municipal Courthouse. Miller-Cory House Museum is just a few hundred feet away from the Courthouse and is a must see upon visit to the court. Parks such as Mathias Clark Memorial Park, Mindowaskin Park, Crestwood Park and Brookside Park dot this densely populated urban town. Scotch Hills Country Club lies at the border or Westfield and Scotch Plains. The town lies sandwiched between Garden State Parkway and US Rt 22, which are a few hundred feet away from the border of the town. Routes 28, 509, 610 and 613 pass through the town.
Hours of Operation
Office Hrs 9am to 3:30pm on weekdays. Session Hrs are on Wednesdays.
Hon. Brenda Coppola Cuba
Type Of Cases
Traffic infractions are the most common cases.
Mailing Address
Westfield Municipal Court
425 East Broad Street, Westfield, NJ 07090