Allamuchy Municipal Court [ NJ ]
Street Address
292 Alphano Rd, Allamuchy, NJ 07820
WWW Link
Edward Wacks is the Town Attorney. The Allamuchy Town Municipal Building houses the Court and several other departments.
About the area
It is believed that Allamuchy gets it's name from the Native Indian word 'Allamuchahokkingen' meaning 'the place within the hills'. This mountainous town of 4000 people is mostly farms and mountains. Population tends to be concentrated in the Alla-Panther Valley Area (at the intersection of Route 517 and I-80) which is a Census-designated place. The Valley area has breathtakingly beautiful houses and streets. Nature Park called the Allamuchy Natural area where the beauty of nature and the intellect of man seem to be in perfect harmony. This beautifully designed and maintained nature resort offers visitors a tour of forests and marshlands, with provisions for hiking, jogging, walking, fishing, hunting etc.
Type Of Cases
A lot of speeding ticket cases from Interstate 80 amd County Route 517. Exit 19 from Route 517 takes one to Allamuchy.
Mailing Address
Allamuchy Municipal Court, P.O. Box A
292 Alphano Rd, Allamuchy, NJ 07820