Greenwich Municipal Court [ NJ ]
Street Address
321 Greenwich St, Greenwich, NJ 08886
WWW Link
Michael DiMareo, Esq is the town attorney and he can be reached at 908.852.5511. The Court master of ceremonious paperwork is Marlene Sullivan.
About the area
The Greenwich Historical Society was organized in August 1984 for the purpose of studying and preserving the heritage of the township and its ancestors. The court is located in Stewartsville. Stewartsville gets it's name from Thomas Stewart, the secretary of George Washington who lived in this town for a good part of his life. The town has any farms and grasslands and is still largely agricultural. However, there has been a lot of development in the last 2 decades or so. Most major routes, a new school are all recent additions. The town also has an outstanding Historical Society. The Historian does a great job at collecting and presenting the local history in the form of photographs and stories. The Society publishes a quarterly newsletter and also has several items for sale including a pictorial history of the town.
Honorable Joseph Steinhardt
Roger Skoog
Type Of Cases
Routes 57 and 519 intersect at the heart of the town and bring some traffic infractions
Mailing Address
Greenwich Municipal Court
321 Greenwich St, Greenwich, NJ 08886