Chaves County Magistrate Court [ NM ]
Street Address
400 N. Virginia St., Roswell, NM 88201
About the area
The reported crash of a flying saucer west of Roswell in July 1947 has become a major tourist draw. The International UFO Museum and Research Center in downtown Roswell attracts more visitors than any museum in New Mexico except for the Museum of Natural History in Albuquerque, a city with 10 times the population of Roswell. The community has two other major museums: The Roswell Museum and Art Center, which houses the original workshop of rocket pioneer Robert H. Goddard, who conducted flight tests outside of the city; and the Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art. Since 1967, Donald Anderson has personally funded an international artists-in-residence program. The artists works appear in the museum.
Current magistrates are K.C. Rogers and John Halvorson
Mailing Address
400 North Virginia Street, #103, Roswell, NM 88201