Gallup District Court [ NM ]
Street Address
207 West Hill Avenue, Gallup, NM 87301
Gallup District Court is the Eleventh district court of McKinley county in the judicial district court system of New Mexico.
About the area
McKinley county sits on the border between New Mexico and Arizona. It is home to a large number of Native American tribes, as many as 25. When the transcontinental railroad was completed, it brought settlers at the beginning of the 20th century to start farms or work in the developing coal industry. At various times coal, oil and natural gas production were significant contributors to the economy of the county. Natural gas, oil, coal, uranium, vanadium, crushed stone and perlite still remain as available resources. Continuing a tradition started in the 1930's with the famous WPA murals, Gallup commissioned local artists to tell Gallup’s story through a series of outdoor murals on downtown buildings. As an example the Great Gallup Mural on the West-facing wall of City Hall depicts the landscape, railroads, Hwy. 66, rodeos, western life and coal mining and the Zuni Mural on the West-facing wall of the Octavia Fellin library depicts Zuni life in this area.
Mailing Address
207 West Hill Ave., Rm. 200, Gallup, NM 87301