Chauncey Mayor's Court [ OH ]
Street Address
42 OH-13, Chauncey, OH 45719
** Note: The address corresponds to the City Building, and the map is a bit north of what's correct. Try this map: 42 Converse St..

It was not till 2007 when the authorities of the State Supreme Court received the notification about the Beaver's Mayor Court report about the official operations opening back in 2006.
About the area
Some dude named Fuller, with a funny first name, owned this land as a part of his salt industries emporium back in the 1830's. The industries have abandoned this territory to give birth to a bedroom community since the middle 1900's; small farms still survive but it’s not the typical panorama in this area. The Plains community is one of the proud neighbors of the Village of Chauncey.
Mailing Address
Forty-Two Converse Street, Chauncey, OH 45719