Champaign Municipal Court [ OH ]
Sharon is the court clerk, give her a ring at: 937/652-4394 or 653-7376
Street Address
205 S Main St, Urbana, OH 43078
WWW Link
About the area
Urbana is the Champaign County Seat. The county covers over four hundreds square miles - how many hectares is that? The French traditions are part of the generational heritage given to every son of this land, even the name of this territory comes from the French world flat. This rural land is full of culture and country elements forming such a charming spirit, just the ideal dream of every parent to raise their kids in a peaceful territory; home of opportunities and good education.
For some reason we think there might be some kind of college nearby, something about Urbana Champaign. But isn't that in Illinois?
Susan Fornof-Lippencott
Mailing Address
Postal Drawer Eighty Five
Champaign Municipal Court, Urbana, OH 43078