Cincinnati Municipal Court [ OH ]
513 - 946-6041 (traffic); 6040 (crim)
Street Address
1000 Main St., Cincinnati, OH 45202
946-6010; 6250?
WWW Link
A clerk office is open 24/7 at: Clerk of Courts at 1000 Sycamore Room 111
There are additional clerk offices in Forest Park, Western Hills, and on Redbank Road.
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About the area
Cincinnati is a moderately large city with a larger surrounding community of over 2 million people. The city is home to a number of prominent sports teams. Like many places, it is named in honor of George Washington. Now you might think they would name the place Washington, but we guess that was considered taken, so the name is based upon Cincinnatus, a European historical figure who apparently was a good guy too. Some big companies are based here, including Procter & Gamble. Hamilton County is a park district and covers a vast area in parks and reserves. The most popular of them are Miami Whitewater Forest, Sharon Woods, Winton Woods and Woodland Mound. These places offer a lot of entertainment like boat houses, camping, kayaking, and wild life. Cincinnati is the most popular city of Ohio. Cincinnati is famous for many things including the October Fest, the Cincinnati Reds. There are plenty of art museums and the downtown of Cincinnati is amazing. You could hit Cincinnati Stadium in spring to see the Reds in practice. The convention center along the Ohio River in downtown Cincinnati always has some event or the other going on.
Hours of Operation
Generally 9 am to 6 pm for the clerks. Or is it 8:00 a.m. to 4 p.m, Monday through Friday?
Roughly 15 judges, with the Hon. John Burlew as the Presiding Judge (or has it changed to Heather Russell?) - and he has quite a resume.
City: 352-5333; County: 946-3000. Both prosecute cases in the <strong>Hamilton County Municipal Court</strong>. The city prosecutor probably handles the Cincinnati Traffic Court calendar.
Type Of Cases
The usual speeding tickets and traffic offenses in Cincinnati Traffic Court and the like. Crime rate up since 2001, but hopefully will drop again.
Mailing Address
Hamilton County Municipal Court
One Thousand Main, Cincinnati, OH 45202