Napoleon Municipal Court [ OH ]
(419) 592-2851
Street Address
255 W. Riverview, Napoleon, OH 43545
WWW Link
Drivers come through here on their way from Toledo to Fort Wayne, and may stop by the Napoleon Traffic Court if they go too fast.
About the area
Napoleon a city of Henry County and home to the Indians Basketball hall of fame, so one might find a lot to do in this part of Ohio. Located in the Northwest of Ohio this city has an ancient facade and has retained most of its Victorian homes. As a part of its diverse culture Napoleon has a lively downtown and there are many industries located here too. Companies like Campbell soups, plastic industry manufacturers and few automotive industries are present in Napoleon. For entertainment there are amusement parks, camping grounds and lakes.
Hours of Operation
8-5 weekdays; Traffic and criminal M,Th; Civil on Wed AM
Hon. John Collier
Dave Grahn ( is in his early 50s (at this writing) and served as a deputy sheriff in the past. He's been quite involved in the community.
Mailing Address
Napoleon Municipal Court
PO Box 502, Napoleon, OH 43545