Berkey Mayor's Court [ OH ]
(419) 829-3810
Street Address
5817 N Berkey Southern, Berkey, OH 43504
Toledo Blade mentions Berkey Mayor's Court in an article about the effort to shift cases to municipal courts. Village office might be at 5735 N Berkey Southern.
About the area
This village is very small in population in comparison to the surrounding areas and their territories, such as Metamora and Blissfield. Having more than 4 square miles of land, this community has 100 households, who have plentiful lives full of all the necessary amenities from the city. There is not even one resident of Berkey who is registered under the poverty line.
Berkey is darn close to Ohio's northern border with Michigan. You can probably throw a rock over there, but please be nice.
Mailing Address
5817 N Berkey Southern
Berkey Court, Berkey, OH 43504