Vandalia Municipal Court [ OH ]
Street Address
245 Bohanan Memorial Dr, Vandalia, OH 45377
WWW Link
Vandalia almost rhymes with Bacchanalia. Hmm. See if you can hear anything over the roar of the planes at the nearby airport.
About the area
A normal day in Vandalia is just not normal and it is one place that can convert your day into a special one with full of memorable moments to spend. Lovely downtown, beautiful roads lined with trees and lawns, the fall festivals and parades are all Vandalia’s specialties. There are many recreational avenues situated in Vandalia with a huge park system. Vandalia is the queen when it comes to parks and camp areas. The many of parks also have golf courses within them and all Americans love Golf which goes without saying.
Hours of Operation
During the week, before 9 until short of 5.
Judge Cynthia M.Heck
Mailing Address
245 James Bohanan Memorial Drive, Vandalia, OH 45377