Benton County Court [ OR ]
Street Address
120 Northwest Fourth Street, Corvallis, OR 97339
The Benton County Court is ometimes known by its formal name the Benton Circuit Court.
About the area
The Benton County Fair & Rodeo is held each August at the Benton County fairgrounds. The big stage here is the locale for the showcasing of local musical band and individual talent. To cater to the city's love of rodeos; the Thanksgiving Thunder Rough Stock rodeo,which includes barrel racing, is held in late November at the Benton Indoor Arena. Corvallis provides many opportunities for running and biking. Bike lanes are a part of most streets. Da Vinci Days is a three day festival held annually on the third weekend in July with music, entertainment, creative contests, exhibits, and hands-on activities for all ages. This is not the end of the celebration of Da Vinci. The Da Vinci Film Festival, held in March is a program of the Da Vinci Days.
Hon. Locke A. Williams is the presiding judge in this court.
Mailing Address
120 NW 4th St., P.O. Box 1870, Corvallis, OR 97339