Canby Municipal Court [ OR ]
Street Address
150 North Holly Street, Canby, OR 97013
You can avoid this court by playing by the rules around Canby especially on State Road 99E.
About the area
Agriculture is asignificant part of the industry of Canby. This city of over 12,00 residents has many nurseries which produce a wide variety of plants, bulbs and seeds. Halloween fun is provided in Canby each year from the end of Sepember to October 31st. This multiweek event has train rides, a straw mountain, a pumpkin patch, haunted railroad tunnels and an evening Boo train. On the weekends there are farm animals for the kids to pet and enjoy. Early November is time for Cutsforth's Thriftway's annual Founders Day Celebration. This wonderful emporium is celebrating over 80 years of existence with cake and coffee and the offering of many specials. Location:
Hon. Halloween Jon S. Henricksen
Mailing Address
150 N. Holly St., Canby, OR 97013