Columbia County Court [ OR ]
503) 397-2327, Ext 0
Street Address
230 Strand Street, St. Helens , OR 97051
You can also find this court by looking for it by its official name, Columbia County Circuit Court.
About the area
Each June in St Helens it's time for the River Days celebration featuring a Junior parade, the Kiwanis parade and lots of entertainment on the Boise Cascade’s Boatload of Entertainment Stage. There are also plenty of vendors, food, a Beer Garden and a carnival. In August you will find most residents at the Historic riverfront attending the Riverside Arts and Eats Festival where they can visit the many Artist booths and see demonstrations, Childrens art corral,Wine and microbrew garden and listen to music all day, There is also the Run for the River Classic Car Show and antique steamboats to see.
Hon. Steven B. Reed is the presiding Judge of the Columbia County court.
Mailing Address
230 Strand St., St. Helens , OR 97051