Rainier Municipal Court [ OR ]
Street Address
106 West B Street, Rainier , OR 97048
United States Highway runs through the Northern portion of Rainier.
About the area
Rainier has a population of under 2000 but can boast of a population with a reasonably good median family income. The city was founded in the middle of the nineteenth century and was originally known as Eminence. The name was later changed to Rainier after Mount Rainier which can be seen from high sites in the city. Rainier was an important stop in the days of river commerce. Soon after it was founded, a large steam sawmill was erected which began producing lumber for the homes and other buildings of the settlers. About two miles downstream of Rainier is the Lewis and Clark Bridge which connects Rainier to Longview.
Hon. Charles Wardle
Mailing Address
106 W. B St., PO Box 100, Rainier , OR 97048