Harney County Court [ OR ]
Street Address
450 N. Buena Vista Avenue, Burns, Oregon, Burns, OR 97720
Although the Harney County Court is officially known as the Harney Circuit Court; there is also another which is an administrative body with a county judge.
About the area
The nearby the Steens Mountain offers hikers to see some beautiful views with short paths that lead to viewpoints of Kiger Gorge, the East Rim, and Steens Summit. The old West has not been abandoned in this region where cattle are still still exists as a significant business on the century old ranches south of Burns. Evident the traditional old West cattle drives in the Blitzen Valley. If you are a rock hound you will want to get your official rock hounding map from the Highland Rock and Gift Shop in Burns. This will serve as your guide to finding obsidian, sheens (silver, gold and rainbow), red, mahogany, flame, fire and lace at Glass Butte, located about 50 miles west of Burns.
Hon. William D. Cramer, Jr.
Mailing Address
Harney Court
450 N. Buena Vista Ave., #16, Burns, OR 97720