Lane County Court [ OR ]
Street Address
125 East 8th Avenue , Eugene, OR 97401
The Lane Circuit Court is the official name of the Lane County Court.
About the area
Amazon park is a popular site for Eugene residents and is among the largest of Eugene's parks. It offers the opportunity for various activities with running trails, a dog park, playground, Amazon pool, baseball fields, skate park, volley ball and soccer. The Hillyard Community center is located next to the park. Hayward Field, at the university of Oregon, is a world reknowned track and field facility. It has been the site of NCAA Championships, national championships, and Olympic Trials as well as an event with world class competition; the Prefontaine Classic. Nike shoes and sporting goods began in this city with a partnership formed between University of Oregon Track Coach Bill Bowerman and one of his middle distance runners.
The Honorable Mary Ann Bearden is the presiding judge of this court.
Mailing Address
Lane County Courthouse, 125 East Eighth Ave., Eugene, OR 97401