Donald Municipal Court [ OR ]
Street Address
10790 Main Street Northeast, Donald, OR, Donald, OR 97020
Although violations on nearby Interstate Highway 5 might end up in this court those on the streets of the small town of Donald certainly will.
About the area
There are few people in this city, less than 1000, but they are crowded into a total area of 2 tenths of a square mile. There is however a station here of the Oregon Electric Railway; which was completed in the early 1900's and led to the establishment of a Post Office for the city. What started out as a small skate park with an asphalt slab and some skateable structures, built by some of the citizens of this city became a nice concrete skatepark thanks to recently received state grants. It's the site of a skateboarding competition during Donald Daze, a summer celebration in Donald.
Hon. Janice Zyryanoff. Tough one to pronounce.
Mailing Address
10790 Main St. NE, PO Box 388, Donald, OR 97020