Keizer Municipal Court [ OR ]
503-390-3700, Ext. 107
Street Address
930 Chemawa Road Northeast, Keizer, OR 97307
About the area
Keizer is proud to show off its new 68,000-square-foot civic center. The new building along with a public park is in the center of and joins with the Heritage Center Museum, a maintenance facility and a skate park to form a unified city center. Twenty years after the first settlers arrived in the area; flooding from Claggett creek in the 1860's drove some settlers from the lowlands near the creek. This area is now the site of Claggett park a large area with outdoor recreational facilities. Northridge park is another large park created from lowlands surrounding Claggett creek. Card players will want to try their luck at the annual Keizer's Fall Classic Casino Night & Texas Hold'em Tournament fundraiser. There's also Blackjack, Bingo and a Silent Auction and if gambling makes you hungry a heavy hors d'oeuvres buffet.
Hon. A. Carl Myers
Type Of Cases
Traffic infractions and City code violations which result from Keizer Police Department enforcement are handled by this court.
Mailing Address
930 Chemawa Rd. NE, PO Box 21000, Keizer, OR 97307