Fairview Municipal Court [ OR ]
Street Address
1300 Northeast Village Street, Fairview, OR 97024
Interstate Highway 84 in the area of the town of Fairview and its Municipal court is an OK place to be; if you are not speeding or commiting any other traffic infraction.
About the area
To add spice to your life, be sure to come to Fairview's annual Chili on the Green festival in September. This event features a chili cook-off which anyone can enter or come to simply sample the variety of different chili recipes and vote for their favorite. A Poker Run is held in conjunction with Fairview’s Chili on the Green Festival. The Scenic Poker Run proceeds up the Clackamas River, through the Mt.Hood National Forest and ends at Fairview’s Community Park in time to enjoy the Chili Festival.Riders and passengers Riders and passengers receive separate poker hands and there are prizes for the top 3 Poker Hands. A Farmers & Artists market runs from April through October at Community Park.
Hon. M. Patton Echols III & Hon. James R. Jennings
Mailing Address
1300 NE Village St., PO Box 337, Fairview, OR 97024