Troutdale Municipal Court [ OR ]
Street Address
104 Southeast Kibling Street, Troutdale, OR 97060
How convenient if you get a traffic ticket on Interstate Highway 84 (also known as US Highway 30) in the vicinity of Troutdale to have the Municipal court nearby.
About the area
The area around Troutdale was discovered before 1800. But the earliest settlers came in the mid-1800s. A Maine sailor may have started all of it, calling his farm "Troutdale." Then the railroad came, they built a depot or something like that and the rest is local history. The major Troutdale industry later involved meats, lumber, tourism, and best of all, a distillery. Troutdale Airport, a general aviation facility, handles nearly 100,000 operations a year and is a popular airport for flight training, tours and recreation. It has a good sized runway, and a variety of businesses function here.
Hon. Bruce Parsons & Hon. Scott Downing. Hope he's not frowning.
Mailing Address
104 SE Kibling St., Troutdale Court, Troutdale, OR 97060