Echo Municipal Court [ OR ]
Street Address
20 S. Bonanza Street, Echo, OR 97826
The Echo Municipal Court is colated with the Echo Municipal Court and uses the the same address, same phone number and is presided over by the same judge. State Road 320 runs through the center of town.
About the area
The original course of the Oregon Trail runs through Echo. As a result; emigrants camped here to take a breather for themselves and their animals. The area where they camped is now the site of the Fort Henrietta Park. Well worth a visit to take in the exhibits of a covered wagon display, historic information on the trail and town history, Oregon Trails signs, antique fire equipment. For you RVrs there is a RV Park and campground in the park. Echo Hills golf course overlooks the Umatilla River Valley and is a nine hole course with 5,867 yards of golf. Around Halloween time visitors flock to the Echo’s Koontz Building Haunted house where they can experience the Echo’s Koontz Building Haunted House; where creaking and gloom invade your thoughts and where on Halloween, screams and moans echo down Echo’s Main Street.
Hon. Robert "Bob" Shannon
Mailing Address
20 S. Bonanza St., PO Box 9, Echo, OR 97826